FurryBodyPillows (127)

Daki Fenyx - Art by Soapaint- the Phynix Dakimakura rockstar blue flames music Furry Body Pillow Cover
$91.00Materials: Polyester, velvet This is a Dakimakura pillow cover of my Character Liana the Lemur Please note -The Inner pillows not included in this listing. NSFW daki can only be sold to adults.Fabric options:Velvet fuzz/plush: Velvet fuzz/plush,...
Daki Fillona - Art by OnedayT4 - The Raincoat Cat Dakimakura Furry Body Pillow Cover
$91.00Materials: Polyester, velvet This is a Dakimakura pillow cover of my Character Fillona the raincoat cat. Please note -The Inner pillows not included in this listing. NSFW daki can only be sold to adults.Fabric options:Velvet...
Daki Finn - Art by Arca - the femboy roller skater Hyena Dakimakura Furry Body Pillow Cover
$91.00Materials: Polyester, velvet This is a Dakimakura pillow cover of my Character Finn the male femboy HyenaPlease note -The inside pillow is NOT included in this listing. It needs to be bought separately, for example...
Daki Godwing - Art by Ram the Dragon - the fuzzy Griffin Dakimakura Furry Body Pillow Cover
$91.00Materials: Polyester, velvet This is a Dakimakura pillow cover of my Character Godwing the fuzzy Griffin Please note -The Inner pillows not included in this listing. NSFW daki can only be sold to adults.Fabric options:Velvet fuzz/plush: Velvet...
daki Hailina - Art by Lin Shark - the Purple Shark in hoodie Dakimakura Furry Body Pillow Cover
$91.00Materials: Polyester, velvet This is a Dakimakura pillow cover of Hailina the Shark Please note -The Inner pillows not included in this listing. NSFW daki can only be sold to adults.Fabric options:Velvet fuzz/plush: Velvet fuzz/plush,...
Daki Iberika - Art by Yulia Gruzdeva - the fox Dragon girl Furry Body Pillow Cover
$91.00Materials: Polyester, velvet This is a Dakimakura pillow cover of my character Iberika the Fox dragon girl Please note -The Inner pillows not included in this listing. NSFW daki can only be sold to adults.Fabric...
Daki Joseph - Art by Felix F - the Brown Punk Street Raccoon Dakimakura Furry Body Pillow Cover
$91.00Materials: Polyester, velvet This is a Dakimakura pillow cover of my Character Xaryax the Male Black dragon. Please note -The Inner pillows not included in this listing. NSFW daki can only be sold to adults.Fabric...
Daki Kizya - Art by Felix F - the male Zebra horse stallion Dakimakura Furry Body Pillow Cover
$91.00Materials: Polyester, velvet This is a Dakimakura pillow cover of FelixF Character Kizya the male Zebra Stallion Please note -The Inner pillows not included in this listing. NSFW daki can only be sold to adults.Fabric...
Daki Lia Lamatt - Art by Max Fauler LifeJoyArt- the Skully batwing white and purple dragon Dakimakura Mystic Furry Body Pillow Cover
$91.00Materials: Polyester, velvet This is a Dakimakura pillow cover of my Character Lia Lamatt the Skully dragon Please note -The Inner pillows not included in this listing. NSFW daki can only be sold to adults.Fabric...
Daki Louise - Art by Ram the Dragon - The Brown Wolf Dakimakura Furry Body Pillow Cover - Art by Ram the Dragon -
$91.00Materials: Polyester, velvet This is a Dakimakura pillow cover of my Character Louise the brown Wolf. Please note -The Inner pillows not included in this listing. NSFW daki can only be sold to adults.Fabric options:Velvet...
Daki Maxine - Art by Cerbera - The brown wolf Dakimakura Furry Body Pillow Cover
$91.00Materials: Polyester, velvet This Dakimakura pillow is brought to you in Collaboration with Horseplay toys. the design is made by the wonderful artist: Cerbera Please note -The Inner pillows not included in this listing. NSFW...
Daki Mia - Art by maaia - The Dog Dakimakura Furry Body Pillow Cover
$91.00Materials: Polyester, velvet This is a Dakimakura pillow cover of my Character mia the dog Please note -The Inner pillows not included in this listing. NSFW daki can only be sold to adults.Fabric options:Velvet fuzz/plush:...
Daki Michael - Art by Soapaint - The Rainbow Tiger Dakimakura Furry Body Pillow Cover
$91.00Materials: Polyester, velvet This is a Dakimakura pillow cover of my Character Michael the rainbow tiger Please note -The Inner pillows not included in this listing. NSFW daki can only be sold to adults.Fabric options:Velvet...
Daki Misha - Art by Saint cocoa - the Cat Dakimakura Furry Body Pillow Cover
$91.00Materials: Polyester, velvet This is a Dakimakura pillow cover of my Character Misha the Cat Please note -The Inner pillows not included in this listing. NSFW daki can only be sold to adults.Fabric options:Velvet fuzz/plush:...
Daki Nithe - Art by BronwnieLoco - The White Dragon Dakimakura Furry Body Pillow Cover
$91.00Materials: Polyester, velvet This is a Dakimakura pillow cover of my Character Nithe The White Dragon Please note -The Inner pillows not included in this listing. NSFW daki can only be sold to adults.Fabric options:Velvet...
Daki Orice - Art by dreamweaver - the orange and brown lion girl Dakimakura Furry, Nude, Pillow Cover white and black hair
$91.00Materials: Polyester, velvet This is a Dakimakura pillow cover of my Character Orice the Lion Girl Please note -The Inner pillows not included in this listing. NSFW daki can only be sold to adults.Fabric options:Velvet...
Daki Protis - Art by Tokokami - The black and blue Protogen, daki, body pillow, black, blue cyber furry
$109.81Materials: Polyester, velvet This is a Dakimakura pillow cover of my character Protis the Protogen furry Please note -The Inner pillows not included in this listing. NSFW daki can only be sold to adults.Fabric options:Velvet...
Daki Ruby - Art by MykeGreywolf - The Shark Dakimakura Furry Body Pillow Cover
$91.00Materials: Polyester, velvet This is a Dakimakura pillow cover of my Character Ruby the shark. Please note -The Inner pillows not included in this listing. NSFW daki can only be sold to adults.Fabric options:Velvet fuzz/plush:...
Daki Sam- Art by dont_jinxit - the femboy gray Raccoon Dakimakura Furry Body Pillow Cover
$91.00Materials: Polyester, velvet This is a Dakimakura pillow cover of my Character Sam the gray femboy Raccoon Please note -The Inner pillows not included in this listing. NSFW daki can only be sold to adults.Fabric...
Daki Sapphire - Art by maaia - The Blue Dragon Dakimakura Furry Body Pillow Cover
$91.00Materials: Polyester, velvet This is a Dakimakura pillow cover of my Character Sapphire the Blue Dragon Please note -The Inner pillows not included in this listing. NSFW daki can only be sold to adults.Fabric options:Velvet...